Education under siege

Greg Kovich
maggio 19, 2023

网络攻击的增加——尤其是勒索软件——正在影响学术机构, putting educational goals at risk.

A group of young people

It’s time to sound the alarm. 针对全球教育机构的网络攻击的数量和复杂程度已经达到了危机水平. 虽然最近转向基于云的虚拟学习带来了一定的优势, 这也使得黑客更容易进一步利用教育环境.1 This is a sector under siege.

Unfortunately, these bold statements are not hyperbole, but rather, a reflection of real-world statistics. For example, between August and September 2021, 教育机构的目标超过5个.全球有800万起恶意软件攻击,占此类攻击总数的63%.2 2022年发布的数据证实,教育和研究仍然是最受攻击的火狐体育手机. 报告指出,澳大利亚和新西兰是受灾最严重的地区, followed by Asia and Europe, 拉丁美洲每周遭受的网络攻击增幅最大.3

In the U.S., 联邦调查局和网络安全和基础设施安全局(CISA)于2022年联手向教育机构发出警告, 让他们知道他们成为了不成比例的攻击目标.4

这不仅仅是为了抵御大量的攻击, the increase in scope and scale of cyberattacks, and notably ransomware attacks, are severely impacting institutions ability to function, globally. Take for example:

  • 2022年9月,洛杉矶联合学区(LAUSD)遭受勒索软件攻击,导致计算机系统前所未有地关闭,导致电子邮件持续中断, computer systems and applications.5
  • A cyberattack in the UK in 2021 shutdown email, phone and website communications at 15 schools, bringing online learning to a halt.6
  • 波哥大博斯克大学遭遇大规模网络攻击, Colombia, in 2021 compromised institutional, academic and financial platforms for three days.7

学生和教师正在失去宝贵的课堂时间和信息, putting educational goals at risk. 网络攻击也在损害机构的声誉和信任, which can lead to lower enrolment and lost revenue. 伊利诺伊州有157年历史的林肯学院(Lincoln College)就是这样一家机构,该学院在勒索软件攻击造成财务问题后,于2022年5月被迫永久关闭.8

Thinking outside the box

New security strategies are required. Today breaches are being felt around the world, 即使使用传统的网络安全方法. In 2019, 英国国家网络安全中心发现,在分析的432所学校中,有83%的学校至少遭受过一次网络安全事件的袭击, 尽管98%的公司有防病毒解决方案,99%的公司有防火墙. Tried and true is no longer good enough.

Castle and moat, 纵深防御的安全策略在他们的时代可能是有效的, however, 在当今世界,互联网和手持设备占主导地位, walls are being breached. 网络边缘——以及未经授权的网络访问的可能性——现在可以很容易地扩展到物理校园边界之外.

Security is an evolving landscape. 愿意接受将安全作为首要任务的挑战的机构可以提高它们的声誉, educational brand and public image.

保护自己免受网络攻击,避免此类事件带来的负面宣传,也有助于吸引和留住学生. As well, 它使该机构在其他机构可以效仿的最佳实践方面处于领先地位,并加强了对网络攻击的教育网络防御.

The good news is, with an effective cybersecurity approach, such as zero trust network access (ZTNA), 学术机构可以专注于教与学, rather than technologies and threats. 零信任策略——顾名思义——不信任任何用户, no device and no application, no matter where it is, on or off campus, or in the cloud. 请继续关注我的下一篇博客,我们将深入探讨ZTNA以及如何制定您的网络安全策略.

Learn more about Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise solutions for the education sector.

1美国学校面临越来越多的网络攻击威胁. RealClear Education, May 2022.
2美国学校面临越来越多的网络攻击威胁. RealClear Education, May 2022.
3教育部门遭受的网络攻击数量最多. SecurityBrief New Zealand, August 2022.
4美国学校面临越来越多的网络攻击威胁. RealClear Education, May 2022.
5洛杉矶学区警告称,正在与持续的勒索软件攻击作斗争. TechCrunch+, September 2022.
6Cyberattack shuts down online learning at 15 UK schools., March 2021.
7博斯克大学重新控制了其数字平台., July 2021.
8Ransomware attack shutters 157-year-old Lincoln College. CBS News, May 2022.

Learn more by reading our "Comprehensive cybersecurity on campus" infographic

Greg Kovich

Greg Kovich

Global Sales Lead, Education Vertical

Greg Kovich领导ALE教育垂直业务的全球销售.  Greg has overseen or created several Education solutions including “The Fundamentals of Communications” – a vendor neutral course on digital network communications; “Safe Campus” – a solution uniting emergency alerts with first responder collaboration and mass notification; “Secure Campus” – a solution that allows instructors to limit student network access to determined sites; and “Pandemic Education Continuity” – a solution that enables classroom instruction in the event the institution is closed due to health or environmental crisis. 


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